Understanding Capstock for Black Windows and Doors

While painting is an easy and common way to change the color of window and door frames, applying colored “capstock” to vinyl extrusions creates a more durable frame while maintaining color longer when exposed to sunlight.

Differences between New Construction Windows and Replacement Windows

new construction windows

For many homeowners, windows are a vital part of the overall building envelope, offering natural ventilation, filtered daylight and passive warmth. But not all windows are created equal — new construction windows differ significantly from replacement windows in terms of installation process, materials used and performance. In this blog post we’ll take a closer look […]

How to clean your replacement windows | Anlin Windows and Doors

Clean Anlin window in bedroom

Your replacement windows in your home provide plenty of benefits, including better energy efficiency and greater curb appeal. However, like all windows, replacement windows also require regular cleaning to keep them looking their best. Cleaning your windows might seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a simple […]

Anlin Obscure Glass – A Perfect Solution for Privacy and Natural Light

obscure glass

If you’re looking for a stylish, modern solution to privacy at home, obscure glass has you covered. Obscure glass is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional window and door treatments, as it offers a unique combination of style and functionality. What Is Obscure Glass? Obscure glass is a type of decorative glass that […]

When to Replace Your Patio Doors | Anlin Windows and Doors

Patio door living space

Patio doors are a great way to let in natural light and provide easy access to your backyard or patio. But like any other piece of equipment in your home, they will eventually need to be replaced. If you’ve been considering replacing your patio door, it’s important to know when the time is right. Sometimes […]

The Benefits of Having an In-Glass Pet Door

Anlin Pet Door, Dog Door

As a pet owner, you know that your furry friend is part of the family. You want to give them the best of everything, including a safe and comfortable home. But what about when you have to leave them alone? An Anlin Pet Door can help solve that problem! In this blog post, we will […]

New Product Enhancements

Anlin sliding patio door

Anlin Windows & Doors is consistently aspiring to update and expand our product selections and options, to offer you the best replacement windows and doors for your home. Our latest releases in product enhancements and features range from aesthetic options to increases in security features! We’re excited to show off our latest new options for […]

What are the benefits to replacing your windows before summer?

Black windows by Anlin Windows & Doors

Summer is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to start thinking about ways to keep your home cool and comfortable. One of the best ways to do this is by replacing your windows! Windows are one of the main sources of heat transfer in a home, so replacing them can make a […]

How to Make Your Windows the Most Energy Efficient

Energy Efficient Windows

There’s plenty of things you could do right now to conserve energy and save on your electric bill – turning off the lights when you’re not in the room, unplug your electronics when they aren’t in use, and even reducing the amount of time spent on the computer. But all of these are short-term fixes […]